During 1996, hotel values in some parts of the U.S. increased by as much as 60 percent. To someone unfamiliar with the concept of hotel operating leverage, this enormous rise seems impossible.

In a presentation at the 2001 Annual Conference of the Government Officer's Association, Tom Hazinski, Managing Director of HVS Convention, Sports & Entertainment Facilities Consulting describes and critically examines the theory and practice of meas

Whenever people say they're planning to purchase a hotel, one of the forst questions asked of them is: "What capitalization rate are you using?" Cap rate, as it is called in the industry, has many meanings.

Because of the limited availability of conventional financing for full-service convention center headquarters hotels, many governments are turning to the tax-exempt bond market to finance their projects.

Projection of future revenues from the room tax collection of five municipalities near Green Bay, Wisconsin. The Room Taxes may be pledged to support debt service on a proposed dedicated tax revenue bond issue. The proceeds from the Bonds will suppor

HVS performed a feasibility study of a proposed expansion of the Midwest Airlines Center (formerly known as the Midwest Express Center) and estimated the economic impact of the proposed expansion.

Toughen Underwriting Requirements

Interest Rates affecting Real Estate values

Hotel Loan and what they should cost you

Refinancig hotel costs