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Canadian Lodging Outlook August 2007

When is it Profitable to Add a Waterslide to Your Hotel?

The Virtual Meeting Ground

Why telepresence is a nascent revenue opportunity for upscale and luxury hotels.

Search Engine Marketing - Paid Advertising

In the never-ending race to online supremacy, if you wish to outbid some of your competitors in obtaining higher keyword positions, you should have a good look at Pay per Click (PPC) ad campaigns.

Hotel Management Contracts In Europe

This article reviews the main terms of a typical European hotel management contract. Note that the terms and definitions provided below are broad indications and that any of these terms can vary depending on various factors.

Global Hospitality Outsourcing - Winning in a Flat World!

The global hospitality playing field has been leveled. Transformation within the industry has created a new set of competitive pressures that were relatively isolated and continues to push hotel companies to explore more efficient business models.

Get Involved in the Legislative Process

Mid-term elections prompted me to reflect back on how my interest in being active in the political process evolved. Some define "active in the political process" as voting in elections while others define it as being a politician or a lobbyist.

Golf and Country Clubs: Setting Higher Goals for Profitability in Food & Beverage

There are many opportunities for golf clubs to operate the food and beverage facilities in a more efficient way that will save resources, deliver better product & services, keep customers happy and ultimately deliver more to the bottom.

Hotel F&B - To Lease or Not to Lease?

The primary role of the F&B department is to enhance the overall profits of a hotel. Many claim hotels with F&B should maximize the department’s profit or lease income. Instead, maybe the departmental profit motive should be secondary.

A Ghostly Gold Christmas

What is it that we can learn from Ghosts, Gold, and Christmas that can help make you a leader in your company and community? By using "The Gold Standards" of Leadership, we can see how decision-making abilities can help achieve peak performance.
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