Publications & Events

HVS provides thousands of articles on all aspects of hospitality, including hotel valuations, investing, lending, operations, asset management, and much more.
410 results

An Ounce of Prevention is Worth a Pound of Cure

Hotels should go above and beyond their competitors to sell peace of mind. In return for taking better care, hotels should benefit from better internal control procedures, measurable payback and considerable goodwill.

Technology In Hospitality - Clash and Collaboration

Technologists and Hoteliers have very different personalities, yet both are critical to successful hotel technology decisions. This article explores the nature of that sometimes difficult collaboration, and offers some advice for a smooth process.

Buying a Hotel To House Your Tour Flow

Tour flow alone typically will not fill a hotel. Business travelers, meeting and convention travelers, and pleasure or leisure travelers are the three primary market segments that comprise the total of lodging demand.

Observations From The Road

Steve Rushmore's May 2004 Hotels article.

Performance Analysis Techniques to Drive Profits

Australian Tourism Export Council Symposium, Royal Pines Resort – 30 April 2004

Managing Performance in Cyclical Markets

Australian Tourism Export Council Symposium, Royal Pines Resort – 29 April 2004

The Dual Brand Hotel Concept

An Effective And Growing Alternative For Hotel Developments Throughout Brazil

The Internet: Friend or Foe?

In this article, the author discusses the benefits of the internet in managing hotels.

The Perils Of Incomplete Specifications

Purchasing agents are the last checkpoint through which information passes prior to production of FF&E. As such they have an obligation to ensure that both clients’ and designers’ expectations will be met by the vendors.