The European Hotel Valuation Index (HVI) shows that hotel values (expressed in euro) achieved a second consecutive year of growth. On average, values across Europe increased by 5% in 2005, compared with an increase of 3% in 2004.
Steve Rushmore's February 2006 Hotels monthly.
The Boston lodging market outlook remains positive, with some uncertainty associated with new 4 star inventory and a sluggish commercial segment. However, the city is fundamentally sound and is expected to remain attractive for hotel investment.
Between 2006 and 2008 approximately 1,400 new three-star to five-star hotel rooms will enter the market in the Latvian capital Riga. Can Riga sustain its current marketwide occupancy with extensive new hotel supply entering the market?
Low Cap Rates Drive Gains in Hotel Values
Forecasting gaming revenue for the Macau SAR over the next five to seven years will be particularly challenging primarily due to the current extraordinarily high win per unit per day (WPUPD) and the unprecedented anticipated growth in supply.
The 2006 ALIS Conference was a huge success - HVS maintains a significant presence and has included here the articles submitted for this important event.
This article provides an introduction to the history, premise, and economic benefits of the Renaissance ClubSport concept. This groundbreaking concept combines the features of an upscale, boutique hotel with a luxurious fitness complex.
Qualified Management Contracts: Public-Sector/Private-Sector Partnering to Achieve Common Objectives
Recently public and private sectors have partnered in development of convention hotel properties; publicly owned and privately managed. This article highlights unique features of qualified management agreements and compares them to typical contracts.
2005 Canadian Hotel Transaction Survey