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HVS provides thousands of articles on all aspects of hospitality, including hotel valuations, investing, lending, operations, asset management, and much more.
26 results

HVS Hotel Market Intelligence Report: Asheville, North Carolina in 2012

Asheville’s hotel industry, as shown by increases in rooms sales and new hotel supply, is rapidly escaping the drag of the recent recession.

Mustering Military Demand in Southeastern Hotel Markets

Military installations—some expanded, others diminished—in Georgia, South Carolina, and North Carolina are impacting hotel demand and average rates.

Market Intelligence Report: Charleston, South Carolina

Shipping, health care, higher education, tourism, and the military are just some of the industries that diversify Charleston’s economy and help area hotels fare better than in most other markets during the recession.

HVS Market Intelligence Report: Asheville, North Carolina

Business, tourism, and an idyllic mountain setting are perennial features of Asheville, creating demand for hotels old and new.

The Benefits and Challenges of University Hotels and Conference Centers

Proximity to a college or university is considered a positive characteristic of any hotel site. This article explores the benefits and challenges of developing and operating a hotel or conference center affiliated with an educational institution.

HVS Market Intelligence Report: Charlotte, North Carolina

At a time of nationwide fiscal drought and a slump in development, the “Queen City” maintains a regal guise.