Publications & Events

HVS provides thousands of articles on all aspects of hospitality, including hotel valuations, investing, lending, operations, asset management, and much more.
396 results

Mexico’s Luxury Lodging Segment - Opportunity for Growth

The luxury hotel market in Mexico has been somewhat overshadowed by other market segments. Here we shed light on its potential.

European Mixed-Use Resort Development in 2009

How to create a lasting mixed use resort that meets the needs of tomorrow? Who are the customers and investors of tomorrow? What are the trends in legal structures? Do you have the Right Stuff for a successful mixed use resort development?

The Hospitality Industry Drives Mixed-Use Development in the Emerging Markets of Central America

This article explains trends in hotel development models and patterns throughout Central America, as well as identifies the countries within the region offering the greatest potential for hotel development.

HVS Market Intelligence Report: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

A sluggish national economy hasn’t held back growth in Center City Philadelphia, where expansions of business, tourism, and the convention center bring on a need for new hotels.

San Miguel de Allende - A Beacon for the Tourism Potential of Colonial Towns and Villages

The dynamics of San Miguel de Allende’s lodging and tourism market illustrate opportunities for growth for lesser-known towns rich in history, architecture, and culture.

Rising Above Terror: A Framework for Tourism Recovery

This article articulates a framework for recovery of the tourism industry from the shadow of terrorism through a three-pronged strategy: safety, image change and domestic tourism promotion.

What Hotel Stakeholders Need to Know about the Other Side of the Financial Meltdown

The lending climate in the U.S. will remain tough as we head into 2009, but certain opportunities lie in wait.

Disaster Management Plan for the Hospitality Industry

In the aftermath of the carnage in Mumbai, there are critical lessons to be learned. This article advocates for a disaster management plan to be consciously integrated into the Indian Hospitality industry.

HVS Market Intelligence Report: Austin, Texas

As both the capital of Texas and the “Live Music Capital of the World,” Austin has businesses and hotels singing a lively tune despite the current economic dirge.

Mexico's Growing Trend: Master-Planned Resort-Residential Communities

Mexico’s tourism industry has been at the forefront of international lodging trends, and the country is once again reinventing its coastlines and interior colonial towns with the proliferation of master-planned resort-residential communities.