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HVS provides thousands of articles on all aspects of hospitality, including hotel valuations, investing, lending, operations, asset management, and much more.
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2006 Manhattan Hotel Market Overview

HVS International and New York University's Preston Robert Tisch Center for Hospitality, Tourism, and Sports Management, recently completed the 2006 Manhattan Hotel Market Overview.

Do You Have An Ethics Policy? Now More Than Ever, “Good Ethics is Good Business”

In my 30-plus years in this industry, I’ve occasionally seen the issue of unethical behavior rear its ugly head. In the management-company world, the unethical behavior I’ve most frequently seen is like a form of bait and switch.

Canadian Lodging Outlook March 2006

Hotel Feasibility/Market Demand/Valuations and Appraisals

Canadian Lodging Outlook February 2006

HVS International Forecasts 2006 With Continued Activity

When Will The Bubble Burst?

Steve Rushmore's February 2006 Hotels monthly.

Boston Hotel Market Review - 2006

The Boston lodging market outlook remains positive, with some uncertainty associated with new 4 star inventory and a sluggish commercial segment. However, the city is fundamentally sound and is expected to remain attractive for hotel investment.

Forecasting Market-wide Gaming Revenue (Win) for the Macau Special Administrative Region

Forecasting gaming revenue for the Macau SAR over the next five to seven years will be particularly challenging primarily due to the current extraordinarily high win per unit per day (WPUPD) and the unprecedented anticipated growth in supply.
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