Publications & Events

HVS provides thousands of articles on all aspects of hospitality, including hotel valuations, investing, lending, operations, asset management, and much more.
907 results
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The Appraisal of Food Service Facilities

The real growth of the food industry is consideraly less than the apparent increases signaled by steadily rising sales volumes. Nevertheless, there are opportunties for growth and profits for well-managed restaurants.

Hotel Franchising: How To Be A Successful Franchise

Hotel owners must know what they are getting into before signing that franchise agreement.

Publish and Prosper

For many years, academicians have been pressured by their institutions to publish or perish.

The Rushmore Letter

An Important Article Defending the “Rushmore Approach” for Valuing the Real Property Component of a Hotel.

Canadian Lodging Outlook February 2004

European Hotel Transaction 2003 - Country Analysis

The Municipal Golf Report

Financial and operating performance of municipal golf facilities along the Colorado front range.

Life Cycle of a Golf Course Community

Maximizing long term asset value through strategic and economic planning.

Kuwait Wins Hotel War!

For the first time in its history, the Kuwait hotel market outperformed most, if not all, of the markets in the EMAI region.
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