Global Hospitality Report (April 4, 2016)

2016: Hotel Valuation Index (Asia Pacific – Select Markets) 
By Yashaas Rajan, and Hok Yean CHEE

The Hospitality Valuation Index analyses economic as well as hotel-market specific demand and supply dynamics to derive indicative values and future growth trends for the top 32 hotel markets in 13 countries in the Asia Pacific region.

Digital Gold 
By Mansi Bhatnagar

As hoteliers, we have massive amount of information about our guests. If only, we had the foresight to mine this data and use it smartly for revenue generation, we would be the Amazon of the hospitality industry.

BTG Hotels, Ali Travel and Shiji Network Establish Joint Company  

BTG Hotels recently announced that it has created a joint company with Ali Travel and Shiji Network. The three have invested 50 million RMB in the joint company, and named it Zhejiang future hotel network technology co., LTD, temporarily. BTG Hotels is a large conglomerate of listed comprehensive tourism companies in China; Ali Travel is an online travel agency; and Shiji Network is the biggest PMS supplier in China. Based on Internet plus and cloud PMS, as well as the three company’s capital, technology, and data, the joint company aims to create new brand operations pattern in China. It seems like an online hotel alliance, offering member hotels the right to use its brand, marketing, distribution, technology, standard PMS data, and so on. Based on the above service, the joint company will also provide the member hotels’ customers self-service technology in choosing rooms, check-in, and printing Fapiao, among others.

2016 Serviced Apartments Awards a Success 

This week saw the 2016 Serviced Apartments Awards take place at the Grange Tower Bridge Hotel, in London. Around 350 guests arrived from around the globe to applaud the 18 winners as they received their prizes. HVS’s very own Arlett Hoff, a director with the London office, was one of the judges and presenters – Arlett presented the award for Best Interior Design to Gavin MacLennan for the Old Town Chambers Edinburgh. Amongst the other winners was the Adina Apartment Hotel Bondi Beach, which won the Best Architecture/External Design category, and the award was picked up by Andrew Hunter from Adina. Additionally, Hans Meyer received the Best Innovation/Disruption award on behalf of Zoku.


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