Publications & Events

HVS provides thousands of articles on all aspects of hospitality, including hotel valuations, investing, lending, operations, asset management, and much more.
36 results

Singapore Market Outlook 2008

The Singapore hotel market has shown dynamic growth patterns in the past 3 years. With the fast-paced developments, we prepared an analysis of the key hotel performance indicators, new supply and outlook in the Singapore Market Outlook 2008.

A Ghostly Gold Christmas

What is it that we can learn from Ghosts, Gold, and Christmas that can help make you a leader in your company and community? By using "The Gold Standards" of Leadership, we can see how decision-making abilities can help achieve peak performance.

Sustainable Tourism - Destination Development

Tourism is a unique industry. It can effectively create its own demand through the creation of attractions and provision of supporting infrastructure, following the "build it and they will come" approach.

HVS Journal - Asia Q1 2002

News , articles and research from HVS International (Singapore), 1st Quarter 2002

Resorts offer greater Potential

Asian resort destinations offer alternative investment opportunities to Hong Kong and Singapore.