Publications & Events

HVS provides thousands of articles on all aspects of hospitality, including hotel valuations, investing, lending, operations, asset management, and much more.
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A Brief Guide to Winning a Hotel Property Tax Appeal

Internal and external factors affect hotel property value, and in turn, its property tax burden. In most cases, an experienced hotel appraiser, employing a proven appeal protocol, is needed to determine whether a property is unfairly assessed.

HVS U.S. Hotel Development Cost Survey 2014/15

HVS annually researches development costs of actual hotel construction budgets, industry reports, and uniform franchise offering circulars. This 2014/15 survey reports updated per-room development costs in the U.S. through the end of 2014.

Middle East Hotel Development Cost Trends

This report presents the trends in hotel development costs across key markets in the Middle East. It highlights the current development costs for different hotel classifications and discusses the various factors that affect changes in these costs.

Effects of Major Renovations on Hotel Market Penetration and Net Present Value

In this article, we seek to understand and quantify, through analysis, the impact of a major renovation on a hotel’s occupancy and rate penetration and, ultimately, the effect on income and net present value.

HVS U.S. Hotel Development Cost Survey 2013/2014

HVS Consulting & Valuation annually researches development costs of actual hotel construction budgets, industry reports, and uniform franchise offering circulars. This 2013/14 survey reports updated per-room development costs through the end of 2013.

Bargain Hunting for Luxury Hotels

A comparison of the luxury hotel markets in Berlin, Prague and Warsaw.

HVS Canadian Hotel Valuation Index In-Depth Insights 2013

HVS Canada is pleased to announce the publication of the 2013 Canadian Hotel Valuation Index.

Spotlight on Morocco: Marrakech's Luxury Hotel Market

This article explores what effects increased visitation and other changes in the market are likely to have on the demand/supply balance in Marrakech's luxury hotel sector. We also provide a performance forecast up to 2016.

The Greater China Update – 3rd Quarter 2013, 香港华盛国际呈献: 大中华地区更新 - 2013年第三季度

Markets are adjusting to the new normal – long-haul demand in short supply 市场正在适应新的变化–长期的供不应求

A Time for Nairobi - Is a Time for Africa

This article highlights the strength of the Kenyan economy and the hotel market in Nairobi, including a forecast of average rate, occupancy and RevPAR for the next five years.
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