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27 results

«Зеленый» отель в России - оксиморон или необратимое будущее? (Часть 1)

Кому, кроме Greenpeace, интересно влияние гостиничного предприятия на экологию? Есть ли у гостиниц экологические обязательства по закону РФ? Начиная серию статей, посвященных вопросу Eco Hotels в России, мы попробуем ответить на эти и другие вопросы.

Pulling Together or Pulling Apart - The Sustainable Debate

Are sustainable developments and other green initiatives the result of sound strategic decisions or just a transitory humanist trend?

Canadian Lodging Outlook January 2008

Where will a hotel see the results of its green initiatives...

Sustainable Hotel Business Practices: A Surface Examination

As global tourist arrivals continue increasing, demand and supply trends in regards to sustainable business practices are shifting.

Sustainable Tourism - Destination Development

Tourism is a unique industry. It can effectively create its own demand through the creation of attractions and provision of supporting infrastructure, following the "build it and they will come" approach.

Don't Forget Your Waste Audit

Although you think you have audited and reviewed every aspect of your hotel's operations, i bet you have not performed a solid waste audit.

Whatever Happened to Eco-Hotels?

Steve Rushmore's March 2003 Monthly