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HVS provides thousands of articles on all aspects of hospitality, including hotel valuations, investing, lending, operations, asset management, and much more.
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What Credit Crunch? More Luxury for New Money

This article investigates how luxury is currently perceived, the main drivers of demand for luxury accommodation, the current and future supply of luxury hotels, and the leading luxury brands in Europe.

Canadian Lodging Outlook August 2008

Toronto Hotels Go Lux

Canadian Lodging Outlook July 2008

Year-To-Date RevPAR Performance

HVS Market Intelligence Report: Columbus, Ohio

Hoteliers stand to reap the benefits of this capital city’s revitalization, especially downtown.

HVS Market Intelligence Report: Downtown Phoenix, Arizona

Real estate developments, biotech firms, billion-dollar investments, and big conventions are cropping up in Downtown Phoenix, helping to secure demand for area hotels.

HVS Market Intelligence Report: San Antonio, Texas

Texas’ second-largest city is experiencing growth never before seen in its long and storied history.

2008 Manhattan Hotel Market Overview

HVS Hospitality Services, in cooperation with New York University's Preston Robert Tisch Center for Hospitality, Tourism, and Sports Management, is pleased to present the eleventh annual Manhattan Hotel Market Overview.

RevPAR Penetration at Airport Terminal Hotels

130% RevPar penetration… very attainable with Airport Terminal Hotels! Why? Barriers to entry, limited number of airports, and convenience, all contribute to the uniqueness of the success of Airport Terminal Hotels.

Guadalajara — Preparing for the Future

The popularity of Guadalajara has surged in recent years, attracting new businesses, residents, and developments that are positioning the city as a world-class business and travel destination.
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