Prior to the events of September 11th, the market was performing at levels on par with 2000; however, since September 11th the market occupancy declined somewhat.
The San Francisco lodging industry has experienced a dramatic reversal of fortune over the last two years. In 2000, the San Francisco lodging industry was one of the hottest in the nation and posted its best performance ever.
In 2001, the Monterey market area felt the effects and aftershocks of many of the same events that caused occupancies to plummet in the greater San Francisco Bay Area.
The Impact of Hosting Olympic Winter Games
Don't Worry About Room Rates
In this issue Steve Rushmore discusses his presentation given at the NYU Hotel Investment Conference.This presentation covered the latest valuation trends for the U.S. lodging industry.
Steve Rushmore gave a keynote address to over 1,500 lodging industry leaders attending the NYU Hospitality Investment Conference in New York City. The topic was “Valuation Trends for the U.S. Lodging Industry.”
Hotel Values in Europe - Current Trends
Reporting In At Four Months.....
Today's hotel market is in a state of chaos. The overbuilding of the 1980s coupled with the recession of the 1990s has sent hotel occupancies in many parts of the country plummeting.