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HVS provides thousands of articles on all aspects of hospitality, including hotel valuations, investing, lending, operations, asset management, and much more.
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Appraisal Institute Webinar: A Debate on the Allocation of Hotel Total Assets

Steve Rushmore participates in the Appraisal Institute’s “Debate on the Allocation of Hotel Total Assets” via Webinar.

Bullish on Austin: A Look at Hotel Trends in the Capital City

Residents and visitors have always been drawn to Austin’s rich, historic offering of music, culture, business, government, and education. The strength of Austin’s lodging industry over the past decade gives hoteliers something else to admire.

HVS United States Hotel Valuation Index In-Depth Insights 2010

The 2010 U.S. Hotel Valuation Index (HVI), tracking 51 major markets and the United States as a whole, discusses the historical and projected impact of the credit crisis and resultant recession upon U.S. hotel values.

Значение отчетов Feasibility для обоснования инвестиций в развивающиеся гостиничные рынки России и СНГ

Прогноз роста экономики в России и СНГ в 2010г. вызывает возобновление осторожного интереса инвесторов к недвижимости, в том числе гостиничной. Консультанты-специалисты гостиничного рынка помогут оценить потенциал ивестиций через отчеты Feasibility.

Hotel Development Bottlenecks in Russia

As investors are looking to get into Russian hotel markets, they will no doubt be cautious. Hotel development can be quite a complex process. What are the main bottlenecks potential investors could face when developing hotels in Russia?

Девелопмент Гостиниц в России: Факторы Риска

Несмотря на возникшее желание игроков вкладывать средства в гостиничные рынки, они, без сомнения, более осторожны. С какими рисками могут столкнуться потенциальные инвесторы при девелопменте отелей в России?

The Art & Science of Hotel Valuation in an Economic Downturn

In this article we demonstrate how distressed values are at least 15-20% lower than Market Values. Hence, the importance of making sure that the value doesn’t penalise the medium-term performance of the asset by assuming distressed market conditions.

Panorama da Hotelaria Brasileira: prévia do 3º trimestre de 2010

O crescimento econômico nacional continua estimulando a recuperação da demanda e da receita em todos os mercados acompanhados. A novidade é que o principal direcionador desse crescimento passa a ser a diária média ao invés da ocupação.

Internet Remains The Only Growth Channel For Hotels in Recent Years

Considering recent trends, the online channel has been the most dynamic and fast-growing segment of the overall CRS bookings for hotels. Hoteliers can take advantage of this by formulating a well aligned Online Marketing Strategy.

Suburban Resorts in China

Since around 2005 an increasing number of internationally branded resorts have opened in China. This article investigates their working model, demand profiles, key facilities and market outlook.
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