Publications & Events

HVS provides thousands of articles on all aspects of hospitality, including hotel valuations, investing, lending, operations, asset management, and much more.
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A Key Component to Asset Management - The Sales & Marketing Assessment

As part of the overall asset management strategy for a hotel asset, owners should certainly ask, “How can our sales and marketing efforts be more focused? Made more efficient and effective?”

Market Intelligence Report: Grapevine, Texas

Demand may be down, but hotels in this suburb of the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex are beating the curve with respect to the recession.

Flats e Fundos Imobiliários

A evolução dos investimentos hoteleiros por investidores individuais.

A Importância do Asset Manager no Mercado Hoteleiro

Em momentos de crise ou de estabilidade econômica, a Hotel Asset Manager é uma eficaz estratégia para aumentar o potencial de receita e otimizar a estrutura de custos de hotéis. Conheça a metodologia de gestão de ativos hoteleiros e seus resultados.

Market Snapshot - Geneva, Switzerland

The Geneva hotel market is fundamentally prosperous and stable. Commercial demand in the city is driven mainly by the many international and government organisations and by banking institutions in and around Geneva.

The Greek Marina Industry

The article analyses the history of the Greek Marina Industry and addresses its current state in comparison to other competitive countries.

Market Intelligence Report: Charleston, South Carolina

Shipping, health care, higher education, tourism, and the military are just some of the industries that diversify Charleston’s economy and help area hotels fare better than in most other markets during the recession.

St. Louis Hotels: Riding out the Economic Storm

St. Louis’ job losses in manufacturing have been mitigated by stable financial, government, education, and healthcare sectors. How has the recession impacted area hotels, and what will it mean for the future of this market?

HVS Informe de Mercado - Madrid 2009

A Spanish translation of HVS Madrid's Market Intelligence Report on Madrid.

Changing Times Require Changing Hotel Business Models

The performance of the hotel industry can be either enhanced or limited by the way in which hotel business is conceptualised. This article illustrates how economic trends present opportunities to redefine hotel business models and create value.
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