Publications & Events

HVS provides thousands of articles on all aspects of hospitality, including hotel valuations, investing, lending, operations, asset management, and much more.
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Jordan Country Snapshot

This Country Snapshot provides an overview of the recent historic hotel performance in Jordan together with research on new supply. This article and the research for it was completed in April 2007.

Oman Country Snapshot

This Country Snapshot provides an overview of the recent historic hotel performance in Oman together with research on new supply. This article and the research for it was completed in April 2007.

Qatar Country Snapshot

This Country Snapshot provides an overview of the recent historic hotel performance in Qatar together with research on new supply. This article and the research for it was completed in April 2007.

Abu Dhabi & Dubai Country Snapshot

This Country Snapshot provides an overview of the recent historic hotel performance in both emirates together with research on new supply. This article and the research for it was completed in April 2007.

Canadian Lodging Outlook February 2007

Labour And Skills Shortage

Canadian Lodging Outlook January 2007

The Hotel Financing Environment in Canada

HVS European Hotel Valuation Index In-Depth Insights 2007

HVS's annual review of European hotel value trends, the Hotel Valuation Index (HVI), shows that hotel values achieved a third consecutive year of growth, increasing by 9.4% in 2006, compared with an increase of 5.0% in 2005.

European Transaction Article 2006

HVS’s European Hotel Transaction Review analyses the single asset and portfolio hotel transactions that shaped 2006, highlighting the significant increase in the volume of hotels sold: an increase driven yet again by large portfolio transactions.

Get Involved in the Legislative Process

Mid-term elections prompted me to reflect back on how my interest in being active in the political process evolved. Some define "active in the political process" as voting in elections while others define it as being a politician or a lobbyist.
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