Publications & Events

HVS provides thousands of articles on all aspects of hospitality, including hotel valuations, investing, lending, operations, asset management, and much more.
1682 results
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Staying A Step Ahead of Your Guests

Staying ahead of guests in technology is as important as providing ultra comfortable bedding these days. This article explores how to impress your guests without spending a fortune.

Canadian Lodging Outlook October 2004

HVS Canada Holiday Water Cooler...

Market Overview - Hunter Valley Wine Country, Australia

The Hunter Valley region is located 90 minutes’ drive from Sydney and known as the oldest vineyard region of Australia. Through the development of several new hotel projects the region is on the verge of a major change in image and public perception

What Is A Condo-Hotel?

Steve Rushmore's November 2004 Hotels monthly.

The Rushmore Letter - Hotel Investments: A Guide for Lenders and Owners

Hotel Investments: A Guide for Lenders and Owners describes the process of making sound hotel investments.

Public Involvement in Hotel Financing

The author discusses trends in the public support of hospitality projects, which is becomming increasing common as municipalities seek to improve their competitive position in the convention and conference center business.

An Ounce of Prevention is Worth a Pound of Cure

Hotels should go above and beyond their competitors to sell peace of mind. In return for taking better care, hotels should benefit from better internal control procedures, measurable payback and considerable goodwill.

Park More Cash on Your Bottom Line

Four easy ways to reach peak parking profitability.

Market Snapshot - Vienna

Vienna hotels have sustained the recent economic slowdown relatively well. There has been continued investment in Vienna's tourist infrastructure. Despite the entry of new hotel supply to the market, our outlook is positive.
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