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HVS provides thousands of articles on all aspects of hospitality, including hotel valuations, investing, lending, operations, asset management, and much more.
241 results

HVS Market Intelligence Report: San Antonio, Texas

Texas’ second-largest city is experiencing growth never before seen in its long and storied history.

Guadalajara — Preparing for the Future

The popularity of Guadalajara has surged in recent years, attracting new businesses, residents, and developments that are positioning the city as a world-class business and travel destination.

HVS Market Intelligence Report: Balancing Boston’s Lodging Market

Hotel supply and customer demand are coming to an accord in key Boston districts, signaling a steady pace for the area’s lodging market in 2008.

HVS Market Intelligence Report: Kansas City

Development activity and increased visitation converge to quicken the pulse of this heartland city.

Tourism in South America is here to stay

The hotel industry keeps pace with the growth of the economy at a global level, and for Latin American countries opportunities for development are many

HVS Market Intelligence Report: Atlanta, Georgia

Metro Atlanta continues to be the vibrant business capital of the Southeast.

HVS Market Intelligence Report: Downtown St. Louis

Downtown St. Louis has experienced a revitalization, transforming a failing collection of empty warehouses, aging hotels, and nearly forgotten landmarks into a thriving residential, commercial, and entertainment district.

Hotelería en Argentina - Fuerte expansión del rubro en todo el país

HVS Buenos Aires participa activamente del desarrollo de emprendimientos hoteleros y turísticos en la Argentina, acompañando el crecimiento de un sector en pleno auge.

El Turismo impulsa el Crecimiento

HVS Buenos Aires interviene en varios proyectos en Chile y Perú; emprendimientos que dan fe del incremento de las inversiones en Latinoamérica y las oportunidades para la industria hotelera y turística.

Get Involved in the Legislative Process

Mid-term elections prompted me to reflect back on how my interest in being active in the political process evolved. Some define "active in the political process" as voting in elections while others define it as being a politician or a lobbyist.