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HVS provides thousands of articles on all aspects of hospitality, including hotel valuations, investing, lending, operations, asset management, and much more.
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HVS U.S. Hotel Development Cost Survey 2010

The 2009/10 hotel development survey reports updated per-room development costs through the end of 2010. This year's survey reveals a range of factors impacting the turnkey cost of hotel development.”

Panorama da Hotelaria Brasileira: prévia do 4º trimestre de 2010

A boa fase da economia nacional continua a estimular o crescimento da demanda e da receita em todos os mercados acompanhados. Esta última, porém, sofreu desaceleração no período analisado, em virtude do crescimento reduzido da ocupação.

Dramatic Decline in Hotel Capitalization Rates Reflects Shift in Market Sentiment

The increase in hotel transactions and low cost of debt and equity have driven down rates of return to pre-recession levels. This article sets forth an overview of recent hotel cap and discount rate trends and provides an outlook for 2011.

Análise de Investimento para Hotéis e Flats em Lançamento

É preciso ter cautela no momento de investir em flats ou condo-hotéis, especialmente os que se encontram em fase de lançamento. Como estimar o valor correto de imóveis desse tipo, reduzindo o risco do investimento?

Stockholm, Sweden - Market Snapshot

This market snapshot is part of a series of articles produced every month on key hotel markets aiming to combine the market expertise of HVS with STR Global data. Our analysis is based on data for a sample of 100 mainly branded properties.

Volatile Trends and Hotel Performance

The hotel industry is often said to see cycles of performance over the course of years and decades. But fluctuations in services, rates, and demand require more frequent examination.

PowerPoint Presentation: New Supply Slows to a Trickle: Analysis of the Convention Center Pipeline

Analyzes historical convention center supply trends and provides a forecast of future of projects. Presented to the International Economic Development Council in June 2010 by Tom Hazinski, HVS Convention, Sports & Entertainment Facilities Consulting.

Istanbul, Turkey - Market Snapshot

This market snapshot is part of a series of articles that HVS is producing every month on a series of key market with STR Global data. Our analysis for this market is based on data for a sample of 37 mainly branded properties.

Le Tour d’Europe - The Race for Recovery

Highlights of the recent changes in the 36 European markets analysed in the HVS annual European Hotel Valuation Index, in terms of trading performance and transactions, as well as an indication of the anticipated hotel values by the end of 2010

Overview of Shared Ownership Business Models

Philip Bacon presents an overview of shared ownership business models to students at EHL in Lausanne, Switzerland
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