Publications & Events

HVS provides thousands of articles on all aspects of hospitality, including hotel valuations, investing, lending, operations, asset management, and much more.
19 results

In Focus: The Mixed-Use Concept – A Trend Shaping in Greek Tourism Developments

This article provides an overview of the luxury tourism mixed-use developments and vacation homes market in Greece.

Fact or Folly: A Review of Convention Center Follies

This article responds to Heywood Sanders’ book Convention Center Follies. It argues for a more moderate picture of the state of supply and demand in the convention industry, and it critiques Sanders’ narrative of convention center development.

The Increasing Importance of Branded Residences

We have interviewed industry experts to explore the strategies and future growth opportunities for branded residences on a global scale. This article represents our findings based on a sample of eight luxury international branded residence operators.

Spotlight on Morocco: Marrakech's Luxury Hotel Market

This article explores what effects increased visitation and other changes in the market are likely to have on the demand/supply balance in Marrakech's luxury hotel sector. We also provide a performance forecast up to 2016.

Košice: a hidden tourist gem?

Despite its beauty, friendly people and relatively good weather, Košice remains an unknown destination.This article highlights the potential of a relatively untapped market that is bound to see growth in the coming years.

Repositioning a Destination

What is needed to reposition an entire destination? All around the world destinations reach a mature life cycle and are forced to re-invent themselves due to increased global competition. This case study on Montenegro can provide an insight.

European Mixed-Use Resort Development in 2009

How to create a lasting mixed use resort that meets the needs of tomorrow? Who are the customers and investors of tomorrow? What are the trends in legal structures? Do you have the Right Stuff for a successful mixed use resort development?

The Hospitality Industry Drives Mixed-Use Development in the Emerging Markets of Central America

This article explains trends in hotel development models and patterns throughout Central America, as well as identifies the countries within the region offering the greatest potential for hotel development.

Canadian Lodging Outlook June 2001

HVS Convention, Sports & Entertainment Facilities Consulting