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HVS provides thousands of articles on all aspects of hospitality, including hotel valuations, investing, lending, operations, asset management, and much more.
396 results

Hotel F&B - To Lease or Not to Lease?

The primary role of the F&B department is to enhance the overall profits of a hotel. Many claim hotels with F&B should maximize the department’s profit or lease income. Instead, maybe the departmental profit motive should be secondary.

Incentives of Historic Proportion

This article provides an introduction to the Federal Historic Preservation tax credit programs administered by the U.S. Government and the applicability of these programs to select hotel redevelopment projects.

The Value of an Owner's Representative

Discussing Project Management in the hospitality sector.

Due Diligence Process Can Make Or Break An Acquisition

One of the most important aspects of the sale and purchase of hotel properties is the technical due-diligence process. This investigation into the "bones" of an existing property can be critical to the success or failure of a hotel venture.

Private Residence Clubs - Exclusivity Within The Leisure Market

As demand in today’s luxury residential real estate market continues to increase, private residence clubs (“PRCs”) are offering fractional real estate owners the best of several worlds...

Extracting Value From Hotels in Hawaii Through Conversion

In this article, the authors discuss why the current trend of converting the use of transient lodging facilities in Hawaii to alternative uses is so appealing to developers.