Publications & Events

HVS provides thousands of articles on all aspects of hospitality, including hotel valuations, investing, lending, operations, asset management, and much more.
396 results

Gone to the Dogs...Pet-friendly Accommodations: Revenue Producer or Marketing Farce?

A hotel’s pet-friendly policies can bring both trials and rewards.

Market Intelligence Report: Cleveland, Ohio

Business growth is in league with happenings on the hotel front to help forge new promise for this evolving city.

VOIC Speaks of Optimism and Stability During Economic Crisis

Celebrating its 10th Anniversary, the Vacation Ownership Investment Conference held in Orlando, Florida, from October 6th-9th, presented a rather optimistic outlook of the future of the vacation ownership industry.

What Part of No Don’t You Understand? How to Track and Assess Lost Group Business

Group sales managers in hotels, convention and conference center, and CVB’s need to understand the reasons for lost business. This article presents a comprehensive approach to lost business analysis that helps increase group sales.

HVS Market Intelligence Report: Downtown Phoenix, Arizona

Real estate developments, biotech firms, billion-dollar investments, and big conventions are cropping up in Downtown Phoenix, helping to secure demand for area hotels.

HVS Market Intelligence Report: San Antonio, Texas

Texas’ second-largest city is experiencing growth never before seen in its long and storied history.

Guadalajara — Preparing for the Future

The popularity of Guadalajara has surged in recent years, attracting new businesses, residents, and developments that are positioning the city as a world-class business and travel destination.

Investment in Mexico

Foreign investment in Mexican real estate is on the rise, and many favorable factors conspire to keep this trend moving forward.

The Prognosis for Occupancy and Average Rate in a Slowing Economy

Given the current state of the economy, and the growing consensus that a recession is near, if not here, what is the outlook for the hotel industry? This article reviews past cycles, to gain some insight into future occupancy and average rate trends.

HVS Market Intelligence Report: Balancing Boston’s Lodging Market

Hotel supply and customer demand are coming to an accord in key Boston districts, signaling a steady pace for the area’s lodging market in 2008.