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HVS provides thousands of articles on all aspects of hospitality, including hotel valuations, investing, lending, operations, asset management, and much more.
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Middle East Hotel Development Cost Trends

This report presents the trends in hotel development costs across key markets in the Middle East. It highlights the current development costs for different hotel classifications and discusses the various factors that affect changes in these costs.

Effects of Major Renovations on Hotel Market Penetration and Net Present Value

In this article, we seek to understand and quantify, through analysis, the impact of a major renovation on a hotel’s occupancy and rate penetration and, ultimately, the effect on income and net present value.

ALIS 2014 Conference: HVS Presents Industry Outlook & US Hotel Transactions

ALIS presentation featured in the "Numbers" panel discussion on January 28, 2014, provides a recap of national market activity in 2013, covers current/recent cap rates, examines cap ex impacts on hotel cap rates/values, and gives an outlook for 2014.

Canadian Monthly Lodging Outlook November, 2013

STR and HVS are pleased to provide you with this month's issue of the Canadian Monthly Lodging Outlook.

HVS U.S. Hotel Development Cost Survey 2013/2014

HVS Consulting & Valuation annually researches development costs of actual hotel construction budgets, industry reports, and uniform franchise offering circulars. This 2013/14 survey reports updated per-room development costs through the end of 2013.

Segmenting Millennial Travelers Business vs. Leisure

How do you gain the loyalty of millennials? This article analyzes the top two opportunities by segmenting the next generation of travel: millennial business travelers vs. millennial leisure travelers.

Impact of Infrastructure Listing on Hotel Investment

Our article quantifies the impact of the recent infrastructure listing announcement on a typical hotel investment and the benefits to both investors and banks.

Bargain Hunting for Luxury Hotels

A comparison of the luxury hotel markets in Berlin, Prague and Warsaw.

Canadian Monthly Lodging Outlook October, 2013

STR and HVS are pleased to provide you with this month's issue of the Canadian Monthly Lodging Outlook.

IN FOCUS: Kazakhstan - Almaty & Astana

The profiles of Kazakhstan's two main hotel markets are evolving. Astana thrives on strong government support and the planned Expo 2017. Almaty lost part of government and oil & gas segments, however is set to develop as a leisure destination.
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