Partnering with an asset management firm can help maximize investor returns and property values. Asset management is particularly important in the current environment where macroeconomic conditions are in constant flux, geopolitical issues continue to intensify, and domestic monetary policy has considerable implications. The following article outlines how the right hotel asset management firm will help optimize the return on your hotel investment.

Hala Matar Choufany contributes her insights on the “Brand Dilemma: Navigating the Pros and Cons of Launching New Brands – An Unbiased Perspective".

The benefits of a large hotel management company may seem obvious. However, when choosing a management company for your hotel, consider looking beyond the obvious and evaluating whether a more personalized and strategic approach is appropriate for your hotel investment goals. This article outlines the benefits of selecting a small hotel management company for the day-to-day operation of your hotel.

Hala's contribution as one of the leading world experts in the "Business and Management Collection" from Henry Stewart Talks on the topic of Hospitality in the Middle East

This article introduces KPIs that are considered vital in understanding a hotel asset’s performance by considering how efficiently and effectively space is utilised within the hotel operation.

Many hotel owners are now understanding how crucial it is to work together with experienced, professional asset managers to assess and enhance their hotel's performance. Read on to know more.

In the post-COVID-19 world, the hospitality industry has had to reevaluate and adjust how it does business. From shifting market segments, to redeploying sales teams, to addressing operational challenges, hoteliers have been forced to evolve as they continue the path to recovery. Our Hotel Performance Analysis can help.

The hotel ancillary revenue revolution is expected to gain momentum in the Indian hotel industry, with more radical revenue-generating avenues gradually finding favor. Read on to know more.

The term ‘collaborative innovation’ is frequently used in the context of technology or software development, but hardly ever with the Indian hospitality industry. Read on to know more.

In light of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and the effect it has had on lending and new development in the hospitality industry, it may be beneficial to review the basics and walk through the investment life cycle of a hospitality asset. This guide is intended to be a helpful reference for a seasoned hospitality professional, a student looking to break into the industry, and anyone in between.