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Leveraging the Abraham Accords to Stimulate Tourism Growth

In this report, HVS explores ways in which the Abraham Accords can be leveraged to stimulate tourism growth in Israel. It outlines tourism goals for 2025 and gives country overviews for each of the member states.

HVS Monday Musings: Leisure Markets – Hotel Sector’s Relentless Growth Engine

Leisure travel is growing relentlessly, with a paradigm shift that more and more tourists are looking to explore lesser-known, uncharted regions. Read on to know more.

HVS Monday Musings: India’s Budding Amusement & Theme Parks Sector

India's amusement & theme parks industry is still nascent, accounting for only a minuscule global market share, however, demand in this segment is expected to increase in the future. Read on to know more.

HVS Monday Musings: Film Tourism as an Effective Destination Marketing Tool

Films have the potential to reach and connect with a wide audience. How much can they influence tourism of a place? Read on to find out.

Sustainability in The Hospitality Industry: Working Towards "Travel Without a Footprint"

The hospitality sector has come a long way in adopting sustainable hotel operations and adopting eco-friendly hotel design and construction techniques will be the sector's next big step toward sustainability. Read on to know more.

Tampa Bay Lodging Market: A High-Impact Destination

The greater Tampa Bay lodging market is thriving, as evidenced by rising RevPAR levels, the entrance and subsequent absorption of significant new guestroom inventory, several high-profile transactions, and numerous exciting development projects in the market’s pipeline.

Differences in Regional Fanbases: Who Goes Where the Most Before and After Games

Philadelphia fans have an earned reputation for climbing light poles in celebration of major victories. Other fanbases throw octopi on the playing surface in celebration. Different fanbases behave differently. A statement that is acknowledged but rarely discussed in a quantitative way. Using data from, HVS gathered data on fan behavior before and after games for every NBA, NFL, MLB, and NHL team and aggregated them by location to enable comparison.

HVS Monday Musings: Wildlife Tourism in India - The Roar Can Be Louder!

Indian wildlife Tourism is a promising and growing segment that can compete on the global stage with peers in Africa, Australia, and the US, by providing unique experiences to tourists and marketing it more effectively. Read on to know more.

HVS Monday Musings: Hotel Industry Tapping the Metaverse

Global hotel chains are entering the metaverse because it has the potential to improve the guest experience, boost customer loyalty, streamline operations, and help businesses in forging connections with potential customers. Read on to know more.

Saudi Arabia’s Tourism Landscape – Establishing a Vision

Saudi Arabia is entering an entirely new tourism landscape with its Saudi Vision 2030 initiatives. With a strong economic outlook, a diversification of its economy, and significant governmental support, the hospitality and tourism markets across the Kingdom are expected to thrive over the next decade. In this article, we discuss the most important tourism indicators in the Kingdom.
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