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HVS provides thousands of articles on all aspects of hospitality, including hotel valuations, investing, lending, operations, asset management, and much more.
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Denver Market Intelligence Report 2013

Metro Denver’s economy is set to outperform the nation’s this year, and conventions in the city are on the rise. Hotel RevPAR in 2012 surpassed Denver’s pre-recession high, and healthy demand levels are pushing the pace of hotel transactions.

Market Intelligence Report 2013: Austin

Underpinned by emblems of education, government, business, music, and history, Austin’s economy ranks among the best in the nation. New full-service hotels should lead to more convention demand, with hotel performance growth expected market-wide.

Big Data: Management Must Interpret and Apply Data to Gain the Competitive Advantage

Data compilation is a key component to any hotel’s success, but management must intelligently evaluate the efficacy of the data and apply it to ongoing decision making in order to be successful in today’s technology-driven management world.

HVS Market Intelligence Report: Lansing, Michigan

New business partnerships, investments in high-tech companies and facilities, and rising hotel demand and average rates point toward a path of growth for Lansing’s economy and hotels.

HVS Reviews Sascha Reichstein’s Book Be my Guest

This review of Sascha Reichstein’s Be my Guest, examines Hilton’s dual role as an international American symbol and a local institution. Reichstein’s book uses photographic images and employee interviews to contrast two international Hilton hotels.

HVS European Hotel Valuation Index In-Depth Insights 2012

The 2012 European Hotel Valuation Index tracks trends in upscale hotel values in 33 key European markets. 2011 started as a year of improved performance, but it deteriorated to renewed uncertainty about the future during the second half of the year.

Comparing Same Hotel Across Five Regions

Steve Rushmore's October 2011 column in Lodging Hospitality magazine.

The Parisian Hotel Market - Illuminations from the City of Light - French Version

This article presents an overview of hotel performance for the Paris market and provides our views on expected performance for the next three years. We also discuss the transactions market, values per room and new investors over the last year.

The Paris Hotel Market - Illuminations from the City of Light

This article presents an overview of hotel performance for the Paris market and provides our views on expected performance for the next three years. We also discuss the transactions market, values per room and new investors over the last year.

Hotel Demand Outlook after a (Natural) Disaster

Japan recently registered one of the most devastating earthquakes in recent history, followed by a tsunami and a severe emergency situation at a nuclear power plant. What are the implications for the Japanese Hotel and Tourism Industry?
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