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HVS provides thousands of articles on all aspects of hospitality, including hotel valuations, investing, lending, operations, asset management, and much more.
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HVS Central Florida 2020 State of the Hotel Market

Orlando has long been distinguished as an iconic vacation destination by continuing its ranking as the No. 1 destination in the United States, according to Visit Florida. Since 2013, Orlando has reigned as the nation’s “Most Visited Tourist Destination.” With multiple factors driving Orlando’s appeal, hotel investors and developers are curious as to what is on the horizon for the hospitality market in Central Florida.

Pandemics and the Lodging Industry

With the Coronavirus scare gaining momentum, this article revisits the 2003 SARS pandemic, seeking insight into the potential impact on individual markets and travel as a whole.

HVS Canadian Hotel Valuation Index In-Depth Insights 2019

The state of Hotel Values in Canada…where are we headed nationally? If you are a Canadian hotel investor or Hotelier this is a must read…the recently released annual HVS Hotel Valuation Index forecast.

HVS Market Pulse: Kalispell and Whitefish, Montana

Kalispell and Whitefish act as gateways to Glacier National Park and have benefited from recent tourism growth and developments throughout the region. These two cities, as well as the national park, are the largest drivers of economic growth for Flathead County.

HVS Performance Report: Spa Department 2019

This report is the second annual performance report published by HVS that tracks and monitors spa department performance and profitability.

HVS Market Pulse: Madison, Wisconsin

After experiencing year-over-year RevPAR growth since 2010, hotel supply in Downtown Madison has finally caught up with demand; however, the outlook remains positive given the diverse industries and breadth of demand generators in the market.

Discovering Possible Off-The-Radar Investment Markets

At the 2019 Phoenix Lodging Conference, the HVS Team heard muted optimism and a view that growth in the next 24 months may vary widely across markets. We would encourage owners to investigate the sometimes overlooked top 50 MSAs that still could experience value appreciation in those 24 months.

HVS Market Pulse: Vancouver, Washington

Vancouver is experiencing a development renaissance. Instilled with a new sense of confidence by The Waterfront’s ongoing success, Portland’s lesser known neighbor is buzzing with new construction projects, including office, multi-family, retail, and hotels along The Waterfront.

Taking the Pulse of the Nation’s Largest Hotel Markets

HVS C&V leaders offer the pulse of their markets heading into the fall season. Out of 23 markets discussed, ten are rated as hot, nine are rated as mild, and the remaining four are rated as cooling.

HVS Market Pulse: Toledo, Ohio

Toledo has long lived in the shadow of its neighbor to the north, Detroit, with an economy steeped in auto manufacturing and industry. The city is known for Jeep, Jamie Farr, and Tony Packo’s, but a thriving lodging market? HVS Chicago investigates the changing dynamics.
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