This is a monthly industry update that highlights the key trends in the Indian hospitality industry.
This report highlights the key trends in the Indian hospitality industry in 2023 along with the sector performance metrics, brand signings, and brand openings during the year. It also provides our outlook for the sector for 2024.
This is a monthly industry update that highlights the key trends in the Indian hospitality industry.
'hopeful' is an annual publication launched at the HVS ANAROCK HOPE 2024 conference in February 2024. Featuring a range of articles and insights, the magazine offers valuable perspectives to guide through the changing hospitality landscape. Dive in to discover more.
This is a monthly industry update that highlights the key trends in the Indian hospitality industry.
This is a monthly industry update that highlights the key trends in the Indian hospitality industry.
Wildlife tourism in India is experiencing a strong comeback, evolving into a luxury experience. Eco-friendly accommodations have been leveraging this growing demand, offering distinctive experiences with minimal ecological impact. Read on to know more.
This is a monthly industry update that highlights the key trends in the Indian hospitality industry.
Despite prevailing global challenges, India's economic resilience had a positive ripple effect on the hospitality sector. Read on to know more.
As 2023 ends, regional HVS leaders across the globe take a look back at how the global hotel industry fared this year. Overall, operating metrics shined brightly, with revenue growth achieved in most global markets, while investment activity cooled. The investment market is expected to improve in 2024.